Jesse Aimer
Senior Environment and Planning Advisor
27 June 2024
As an avid traveller, taking up a role at Christchurch Airport has been a natural fit for Jesse Aimer. Learn more about what he does day to day and why he’s proud to be making a difference on the ground.
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What do you do as Senior Environment and Planning Advisor for Christchurch Airport? I advise on how environmental regulations apply to airport operations. I also help strategise and plan for future developments so our vital, intergenerational assets are safeguarded for the future.
What does a typical workday look like? A typical day for me involves meeting with people from the airport team, tenants or local government, making a site visit around campus and then grabbing a coffee at Novotel overlooking the runway. It's probably cliche to say, but no two days are the same!
What do you love most about your job? It's really satisfying being able to see my work come to fruition, from advising on a project right through to seeing it built and used by the community. I also love knowing my work has a tangible impact on a key piece of infrastructure for Christchurch. It's great to be helping the airport operate in a way that keeps it sustainable for future generations.
Any cool projects you’re working on right now? There are some pretty exciting things happening on campus at the moment, but I’m afraid all I can say for now is ‘you’ll have to wait and see’!
What do you enjoy most about working at the Airport? I love the excitement that comes with traveling and the importance it has for people. Being able to contribute to a place that plays such a crucial role in connecting our communities is a real privilege.
Have you used the Airport as a jumping off point yourself? Definitely, I'm an avid traveler! I recently spent a week in Bali, flying in and out of Christchurch Airport. I've also spent plenty of time greeting family and friends here. Being able to experience the airport as a customer, as well as an employee, is really cool.
What’s something most people wouldn’t know about you? I once represented Edinburgh University in Shinty. Shinty is a traditional Scottish sport that’s a bit like hockey without rules. I got talked into joining the team and was given a helmet and a club. It felt like carnage but it was great fun!
What are you happiest doing when you're not working? I’m a keen traveler so exploring somewhere new.
Do you have a dream bucket-list destination? Yes, the Kimberley region in Australia. It's got such an incredible range of landscapes and a culture that's so different to what we have here. I've flown over it many times and it's a place I would love to explore one day.
What’s something you’re looking forward to in 2024? Sarah (my wife) and I just had our wee boy, Harvey, a month ago. He’s absolutely gorgeous, and we’re loving getting to know him and watching him grow. We’re not far off seeing him smile for the first time – that will certainly be a highlight for 2024 (and more than make up for the lack of sleep)!
Any final advice for someone wanting to start their career at the airport? Jump in feet first and put yourself out there. There are so many cool roles here. There is truly something for everyone.